Wednesday, June 25, 2008

a new day!

im sure at this stage all my readers must be feeling that my life is a tragic saga. but trust me ppl, life isnt all that bad( touch wood). i also do write when i am happy..
i mean there times when you feel that nothing is going right, everything seems to be going downhill.. you are totally frustrated with life... but as they say, every silver cloud has a lining.
after every stormy night, there is a beautiful sunshine at the horizon.
the past week.. i have really been stressed out.. physically, mentally and emotionally, i felt like my life was out of control.. i just couldnt seem to get a grip... all those days were full of frustuation, sadness, lonliness, physical exertion. i had almost given up on the fact that there mite be better days ahead.. everything was wrong.
but today was a new day. it was a blast.
to start with i spent an amazing day with my mom... it has been so long since we both got time to be with each other... just go out, window shop, gossip like two friends, eat junk food, etc..
it felt so great to be connected to her... our schedules are so hectic its a wonder even if we get to eat one meal together...but today was different.. it was like two friends hanging out having fun...... i totally loved it... now many ppl might find it weird that i am happy over such an outing... but thts how i am..... i get happiness in small things,... small things which are much more meaningful than anything else in this world! and spending time wth her today i realised how much i love her.... and how nice it feels when its easy to communicate things to her.......... love you mom!
well after that, i went to the dentist. this was one thing i have been postponing for weeks actualy years and my mom finally achieved in dragging me there. and fortunately everything went well there too.. although i mite have to remove my wisdom tooth ( ps tht doesnt mean i will be any less intelligent)
after tht i spent the rest of the evening with two of my dear friends.. one of my friend had recently lost her mom.. so i was kind of worried about her.. but she was doing real good today. i know tht i cannot free her from all the pain,, but i can just be a pillar to support her.. and im glad to be there for her... coz she means a lot to me.... and i shall never care any less for her.. no matter what... and she had a good time today.. was very relaxed and happy( ps i shall at this point give some credit to my other friend who also had a helping hand).
now my other friend( i usually refrain from using names... pls dont ask me why) gave me a very nice compliment... and i really had a good time with my friend( hope you got my ans).. i really felt it was nice of my friend to come and meet her even though he didnt know her really well...
overall... everyone was happy... nothing went sour( touch wood... im a bit superstitious)
it felt so nice to be home... all happy and satisfied... that although for a little while.. me and my friend were able to make her laugh and feel better... it feels great to have made someone happy.... all in all... today is one day i shall definately cherish for a long time....
cheers to life!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

words of silence

there comes a situation in every persons life, where no words said can help in feeling better. every word spoken stings like a bed of thorns, it hurts and the wounded heart and mind bleeds more.
it is at this time that a hug, or a gesture of holding the hands of a dear one is the apt ans.. the comfort and warmth recieved by such actions is worth much more than those thousands and milllions of words spoken. we just need someone to be there. that person mite not give the right advise or words of wisdom, but just the thought that someone is there is more than comforting.

then again we all have been trained from childhood against the demonstration of emotions.
it really surprises me how ppl are able to live their lifes like stone cold rocks. everyone is hurt at some point or the other , it is just not possible that someone isnt hurt at all. then why the fear of saying how u feel? smartness isnt in hiding how u feel, it is in showing that yes you are aware of what is happening to you and you are ready to work on it.
if you are scared of something, its always easy to simply deny the fact and keep such issues under the carpet. but what is tough is to accept this fear and come out in the open. once we can do this, fear and pain slowly make way for happiness and joy. somewhere deep down we all are aware of thses things, but we just dont want to do something that is different, mainly becoz of the fear of what others might think about us. we feel tht depiction of these emotions will show our weaker side. but that is not true. speaking out what u feel is one of the biggest strength a person can have. and i feel its high time ppl realise this.
why should we suffer becoz of the narrow mindedness of other ppl??

i recently made the same mistake.
my friend lost her mother on saturday, ever since that day i have been in a complete daze, not understanding what is happening around me, who is saying what, nothing. everything around me was a blurr. it was deep sinking feeling. very hallow and empty. and i dont know why, but i didnt speak to anyone about it. mistake number 1.
i kept quiet didnt utter a word about how i was feeling, wht was goign on in my head.. more so, i wanted to speak that night, but i just couldnt find the right words, nothing.. i just wanted to hug someone tightly and cry my head off.. but i couldnt even say this to anyone.. i dont know wht came over me.. i felt like a zombie.. getting up going to class, and coming back home. i was lost. i tossed around the bed the whole night, physically i was dead tired, every single muscle of my body was painig, but my mind was racing all over the place!!
a series of thoughts and feelings danced around in my mind all night. the next day i went to meet my friend. as i entered her house.. all i could see is my house. the same scenario, hushed voices, fake sympathies, words of crappy advise. and it was then something like a lightening that hit me. i could see my friend needed me the most, her eyes said so much more to me.. they spoke of all the pain. but at the same time somewhere her trained mind wouldnt let her speak it out. i was zapped. she was just like me, doing exactly the same thing that i did that day. that scared the life out of me.
i came back home and sat in total solitude. i didnt want to speak to anyone or listen to anyone. mistake number 2.
all the emotions kept piling to my head... and i still carried on my day to day routine. by night time my entire mind was blocked.. i couldnt eat, think or sleep. i tried to write i couldnt , nothing was helping. i felt like a big block of cement had been placed on my head. i felt miserable. couldnt think of anything to do.
i finally just wrote an email to my friend and sent it to him. goodness knows if he understood it or not, but that email kind of drew out my emotions... and finally i let go of the pain that was holding me back.
today morning i just realised how important it is for me to vent out my emtions becoz if iam unable to do that, i shall in no way be able to help my friend. and i dont want her to suffer and make the smae mistakes that i have made in the past.
i just feel the need to get the message across to her somehow, that i am there for her... and she doesnt have to speak anything if she doenst want to. all i want her to know is that i still love her and no matter what i am going to be by her side always.
the root cause for 2 of my mistakes is the same fear. i always feel that not many of my friends will understand wht i am going through.. and maybe if i show them how i feel they might think im some kind of a nut.. a kind of weirdo who is always sad and never happy.. which i know is not true... it is at such times when u need words of silence... the hug!
many ppl might think that my blogs are only about the dark side of life... topics which are actually taboo, but there are times when some topics need to be taken up so that maybe after reading all this.. someone will not make the smae mistakes made by me.
i am not a sad person, i am just a girl who has seen much more than what ppl of my age usually see and experience. i dont claim that i have the hardest life but.. my experiences have taught me a lot of things about life..
so when things goes wrong and sadness fills your heart just turn around and give a hug or shed a tear.. i knw for sure u will feel better.. and much lighter by the end of it all!!
~sometimes the greatest power is the power of silence~

Friday, June 20, 2008

the elder one!!!!

every time her name appears on my mobile screen, my heart skips a beat. i keep wondering maybe this call will bring the news of the loss of my best friends mom. its hard... for the past few days i am reliving a dark phase of my life wth my friend, through every emotion of her pain, sadness, happiness, frustration, fear, confusion... every single emotion. i feel like i am looking at myself all over again 7 years ago.... my friend is going through exactly wht i had gone through 7 years back. the wounds of which are still so fresh. everytime she tells me something about her mom, i remember tht tragic day more clearly. i feel like my dad just passed away a day back. its like a flashback not the deja vu types.. but someone showing me what i was going through years ago. i feel so sad that i am not able to stop her or protect her from all this.
she really doesn't deserve to see this.. no..its just not fair... its not... i have managed to survive with my own terms and conditions.. and now having to imagine that my dear friend is gonna have to do the same.. hurts me even more... every experience she is going through is exactly the same. as she is the older sibling.. she is also hearing the same crape tht i have heard...... one of the most pathetic things to say to a child when she is losing her parent is ,' now you are the elder one of the family you have to take care of younger sister, how can u cry, u need to support her more now... etc'
that is crape.. i mean i know ppl do not mean it in a harmful way... but this isnt the time to say such things.. does anyone think of this kid? why is it tht the portrayal of emotions depicts weakness?? is it really like that? just becoz i cried at my dads death bed.. does it mean that i am weak and incapable of supporting my mom and sis? that i should hold back my tears and wipe theirs?
no this isnt right.. i have much as right as anyone else to show wht i feeel... and i need to as i too have lost someone dear to me... i remember the day he died... everytime i started to well up and cry ppl would tell me, ' no no manu u cannot cry, if you cry how willl u support ur sis and mom? u r the ELDER ONE u cannot cry like this' BULLSHIT.... but at tht point i took them all seriously.. i never cried in front of my mom and sis... i tried to be the stronger one.. outside i was all like this ' i can handle evreything types' but inside i was shattered and wth no place to go to with my emotions..until finally one day i blew my top... that was 2 years after my dad went.. for 2 years i had to keep my emotions all bottled up. and the day all my emotions came out in the open , ppl realised that maybe the things they said were wrong at least at that crucial stage in life.
our society has very stereotype dialogues while providing condolence to anyone. i dont blame them there is nothing much u can say at that time. but what ppl forget is the the person is already wounded and hurt from inside. the least you can do is refrain from giving them typical advices.. that hurts them more.. i knw this coz i have gone through it.. at that point all one can think of is the pain in the heart... and such dialogues and condolences in no way eases the pain.. its sort of like the topping on the dessert.
many of my friends think i am very sentimental. too emotional and very sensitive. true i maybe, but thats becoz i am not afraid to show wht i feel... if i am sad.. it shows... that doesnt mean i am weak. no... portrayal of ones emotions is one of the biggest strength a person can have. more so not many ppl understand the emotions.. they kind of get scared and uncomfortable so.. they try to avoid talking about such things and crying. but life isnt all about movies, coffees, jobs, education etc. there are many more strings attached.
thats why today after 7 years i have realised its better to keep some portion of emotions to myself. not becoz i am afraid to show them , but becoz ppl around are really not receptive to such things. and i dont blame anyone. its obviously not possible for everyone to understand wht this situation brings upon a person. and i personally pray that none of the ppl in my life have to face such a situation ever. ( thanks to all those dear ppl who have tried to understand wht i feel)

seeing my best friend in the same situation today kind of hurts me inside.and the funny part is tht her mother is critical and there is a slight hope that her mom might just make it and even still her relatives are already acting as if she has passed away.. how can ppl be like this really.
i dont knw if my friend is totally aware of whts happening or maybe her relatives know tht she may not survive. maybe they are too pessimistic and she is too optimistic, all i knw that if there is a hope... iam going to hang on wth her to that one ray of hope of survival. a hope which i never had.. and pray for a miracle to happen.. coz miracles do happen.. and maybe this time god has decided to change her fate and shine his love and blessings on their family.. and save them from one of the biggest catastrophes of their lives.. i really hope that happens.
somehow with all these events, i have begun to realise the importance of life.. life is too precious to fight with someone, to hate someone, to be selfish, to be selfless, and one of the most important lessons learnt, that no matter how much we think we control our life we really never do. its never in hands.. and maybe in a way.. its a good thing. today i value all the wonderful ppl in my life.. i may not say it to them.... but ilove them all a lot............
love you dad! miss you !
( ps mr.sandeep dighe, the thanks mentioned in the above blog cannot be counted in our deal)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

2nd blog and still going strong!!!!

welll... its surprsing how such an activity can enthrall ones mind.... i mean ever since my first blog today, all i have been thinking about was what to write in the next blog!!!!!!!
somewhat like an addiction.....
well anyways.... surprisingly mom took my blogging activity rather well..... i was pretty sure that she would say that it is probably a waste of time etc etc... but somehow she thinks its a good activity and willl help me increase my vocabulary and improve my already exisiting writing skills.. amen to that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
before i proceed a small vote of thanks to my dear friends who read my first blog today... and have promised to read the following stories too... thank u for all your love and support.... ( sounds very dramatic, kind of like im getting an award.....) and i shall promise to keep an interesting life so as to provide u with the most entertaining blogs..( acting to politics.. a popular route)
today... i had the experience of witnessing a very rare and new delicacy known to mankind................. cold coffee with green pea topping!!!!!!!!!!!
yes my dear friends u are reading it right... cold coffee ( extra strong) with fresh green peas.... the kind of reactions and responses this new drink brings about is priceless.... and a very dear friend of mine had the golden oppurtunity of tasting such a delicacy.. believe me... u all wana try this stuff... if not for yourseleves at least for your near and dear ones!!! and a small tip... do keep a camera in hand... u mite probably get a photography award for the most pricless expression!!!!! unfortunately i missed my award winning photograph...
most of my friends complain that i click pics only of my dear angel my doggy gungun( my friends pls pronounce this word in hindi.. do not read it in english).. my arguement still remains.. when u have someone so pretty, cute and adorable in your life why would u wana take snaps of ppl??
and especially my dog......... she loves being in front of the camera and gives some amazing shots.... after all she is my doggy..... i have trained her welll indeed!!!!! and i feel its pretty dumb to load ones cell phones with pictures of yourself... just doesnt make sense to me... i mean if it were snaps of me and srk....its understandable.... but he is just too busy to spend time with me and im not these pushy kind of ppl... i believe in giving space and independence to ppl... and tht is exactly wht i have done in srks case..... given him space................ if i start about srk i can probably end up writing only about him in the enitre blog... not tht i mind.... but i want to keep the flow of topics as it comes..... well i guess tht sort of ends my blog for today.............. until next time.......................... adios amigos!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

finally here i am!!!!!!!!!!!!

finally i am blogging...... somehow this concept never appealed to me much .. never understood the need for people to sit online, write about their lives endlessly and have other people read it.. who i think have no better things to do apparently!!!!!
heheheh no offense to my readers.....i am sure u all have loads of things to work on.... well anyways.. here i am... doing exactly the samething...
not only have i started writing about my day to day battles... but i have also become an avid reader of one of my best friends blogs. his blogs are by far the most interesting stories i have come across online.... really ....... the way he writes really got me inspired to pen down my own experiences..
another reason that made me take up this activity is my love.... SHAHRUKH KHAN.............. even he blogs.... and if he does so shall i..... he is by far the complete man i have seen (after my dad of course).... good looks, sense of humour, smart, intelligent, witty, down to earth, rooted to the ground, hardworker, a perfect combination...... man his wife is lucky!!!!!!!!!!!
and somehow such guys are unavailable in the real world... goodness knows wht one must go through to meet one nice and decent guy.. reallly!!!!! guys today are too much blah blah... and less of understanding( its a general statement, no offense to my dear friends srivats, sandeep, ajinkya and vaibhav)
well so much for my first blog.... hopefully i shall stick around to write some more........................ and probably in a better manner!!!!!